Welcome to the Webcam Ward where we magically make the unwatchable watchable! In this week's update, we take on the ripoff tycoon "The Irate Gamer" and discover when he's not getting angry about video games, he's... hunting ghosts... amazingly. I really wish I was making that up. Since this job is far too big for the both of us, we enlisted the help of SA forum goon Diabetus.

Haunted Investigators Ep #2

Added: March 01, 2009
Description: "This is the 2nd episode from the series. This has also been altered and updated. Enjoy!"
User: Irategamer
Rating: 3.5 / 5 (728 Votes)
Views: 34,774

Best Viewer Comment: GlebGuy: "Why do people never listen to this stuff? Seriously in series they found A LOT of evidence of paranormal things.
So why won't people listen? Everything is possible, I mean logic, physics is just a barrier for us that we're trapped at, but when we are dead, we're free from that.
Even when alive we can just break all that and do whatever we want. But it's a very hard thing to do.
Also Logic and Physics just might be an illusion, every answer for a question is simple, everything is simple.

That does it for this week at the Webcam Ward and if you run into a downright horrible video on the world wide web, let us know!

– Michael "Slowbeef" Sawyer & Steve "Khad" Grant

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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