"depending on how well you fit" Not very well I'd imagine!

This was my girlfriend's Christmas present.

Women don't enjoy shitting as much as us men unfortunately.

I like porn and all, but to get into it this much is disturbing.

Sometimes I wish it was me under all that sperm...

This post wasn't that bad until he mentioned the picture.

Just like everyone who posts in Games wants to make their own games, everyone who posts on the porn forum wants to make their own porno movie. Come on guys we just need a director, a producer, a camera man, a camera, a boom mic, some actors, and we'll make the best porno ever! Something tells me this ended up like every goon project ever.

There's no such things as new genres in porn. Everything has been done.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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