If I were a girl I'd learn the banjo.

Poor guy...

She wants you dude.

I'm this fucking close to losing hope in mankind.

And there it goes.

I think our ancestors had something good going when they employed kids at 13-years-old and worked them until they died.

That's all for this week. This is Spokker Jones reporting live and about to take my own life.

Special thanks goes to my FYAD friends CarryTheZero, drudgejr, BillWh0re, Ghost of Fermat, TracerBullet, root, Toxx, Shizuka, zyxio, bbg, olhado, monocular, agenteraser, Myrddin Emrys, Randomphyre, Cpt. Foreskin, and shut for contributing to this report. Do you know of an awful forum that should be included in a future update? Send in a link!

Now stay tuned for a special treat, the FYAD Goldmine!

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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