The children really are our future. In this very special Weekend Web we scour the internet to find out what real teens are saying about life, love, and current events. Stay tuned after the show for a special treat!

Our first teenager sets the standard for the rest.

Oh, those crazy kids! When will they learn? I'm guessing never.

When asked about the current conflict in Iraq teenagers everywhere agree, "I don't know anything about it but WAR IS BAD!"

"Mandy" here is pretty hardcore.

Oh, "Lithium586", what will we ever do with you?

President Bush is going to really have to campaign hard next year to get the support of those who cannot vote.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

About This Column

There are hundreds of stories happening on the World Wide Web. Let me tell you, that's a very wide web. Our goal at Weekend Web is to bring you the latest headlines from around the Internet. We go into the very bowels of message boards everywhere and find out what millions of online citizens have to say.

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