Brandi Brokes is not a real person, but a Sims character. Yes, these people maintain MySpace pages for their Sims.

I'm not surprised to find anime nuts among the ranks at Sims Community. Where there's obsessive geeks there's anime fans.

Sim Ant never spawned this kind of crazy. Now there was a Sim game you could be proud of.

How artsy and deep.

If beautiful is a word you use to describe your Sims character, you belong in an institution.

Thank God Adult Swim exists so losers have something to do at 2AM besides watch infomercials.

Developers, please don't make it that easy for people to upload their user created content. You just end up getting people like this guy's girlfriend uploading every little Sims image they think is important. If it's easier to create than an Unreal map then you just end up getting people like this!

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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