What in the fucking Christ is this guy talking about?

Stern has a lot of retards on his show and his forum is no different!

It's because we have running water and that seems to anger a lot of fundamentalist Islamic people.

You know, I'd leave you too for an internet guy.

There's nothing to be embarassed about when signing up for porn sites. They all show up on your credit card statement as something totally different like, "NOT AT ALL PORN - DEBIT - $39.99".

Oh no whatever will we do if we can't search our own name?! For a lot of Something Awful forum members searching their own name is the reason they wake up in the morning.

Bad news buddy. I overheard the FCC talking and it looks like they want to regulate the internet. Weekend Web has already been fined 66 million dollars for crimes against humanity. We're going to have a bake sale to raise the money.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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There are hundreds of stories happening on the World Wide Web. Let me tell you, that's a very wide web. Our goal at Weekend Web is to bring you the latest headlines from around the Internet. We go into the very bowels of message boards everywhere and find out what millions of online citizens have to say.

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