That Bird's Nest

That Bird's Nest is quite possibly the worst porn site ever. Do you want to see a fat chick with rolls or a chick with 5,000 pieces of metal in her face? TAKE YOUR PICK. This is the forum where you get to talk to all these fatsos and profess your undying love to them.

People are always saying that they can't find the clitoris. Are you people blind? It's right there!

I'm not surprised.

Because you're a furry?

This doesn't work if you weigh 200 pounds.

I often have cotton candy fantasies too.

This is a pretty stupid forum, even for Weekend Web.

Vapid. Triple word score. I win.


Special thanks to my FYAD friends Yourlifesayshi, Silva, nubdestroyer, Depressing Drawers, meat linux, Closekness, no face, nude_action_man, FMERCURY, fuckingkunter, poopdog, Sireg, Loutre, Kigresyl, norse, violentjim, moriartiste, Dusz, CalCrowe, pcable, jackelope, Apodysophilia, Count Zero, and Backstage Larry for contributing to this report.

Do you know of an awful forum that should be included in a future update? Send in a link!

– Zachary "Spokker Jones" Gutierrez

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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