I'm pretty sure the call from the angry husband or wife is a clear indication.

I don't think there are too many pasty gangstas around. Well maybe in the suburbs. But they are just posers.

How goony.

Here's how you tell. Girl? Slut.

More like wikiGoon.

My dream has come true.

Don't listen to the bolded part. MY dogs love it!

Okay, this entry is a joke. Everyone knows it's unfashionable to show Pokemon at an anime party today. It was cool five years ago but now it's all about Chobits.

Don't laugh. Those damn things are tricky!

Special thanks to King Awesome, pathetic little tramp, Factor_VIII, Jeedan, Django, Share Bear, VinylDood, kingcobweb, Zratha, HAL Capone, Illustrator Face, Command Key, Zratha, fociP, jsoh, EBCouncil, Judges, GigaBi, Tentacle Therapy, and deez nutz, who are all PUA LBGT OBGYN artists.

– Hassan "Acetone" Mikal

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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