I think he's on drugs right now.

I have no idea why you posted it either, but let's just hope it never happens again.

You can have sex as long as we sterilize you first.

She most likely hates you buddy. I mean, hell, I hate you.

Here's a poll for you, "HAS EMMA GOT HOT BOWEL MOVEMENTS?, emmaslil sexy bowel movement lol". Rock the vote!

People are so nice on the internet.

I'm sure that's what every actress wants, their stupid fans to come crying to them and tell them how great they are. I'm sure these people have better things to do, like making political statements despite the fact they know nothing about politics.

My biggest dream in life is to someday see a "Spokker Jones Forum" complete with a fan fiction section detailing my battles with Mothra.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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