Balloon Fetish World is a community of fetishists who "pop" boners for balloons. There is a big controversy in the balloon fetish community, to pop or not to pop. Some balloon fetishists find popping too cruel to the balloon and others don't see what the big deal is. This is what my life has become, talking about people who get off to balloons. Hi mom!

Someone call PETA's sister organization, PETB, People for the Ethical Treatment of Balloons.

I don't think there is enough space on your body for you to get tattoos of every inanimate object that gets you off.

I can safely say I don't have any tips about making love to balloons.

Mmm, that's a hot single mom who only posed for that picture because she needed the money. I'm gonna cuuuuum!

I wonder if this guy would save a balloon over a human being. Wait, never mind, I don't want to know.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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