This is the most fascinating stuff I've ever read and I've read Harry Potter.

Can we just agree to the fact that none of us know what the hell we're talking about when it comes to religion?

I think these guys went to the Goon School of Debate and Discussion.

Vote for Obama, and vote for praying five times to Mecca each day. Do you want to wear Turbans in 2009? VOTE RON PAUL FOR HOMECOMING QUEEN.

Some days I feel like screwing a guy just to piss off homophobes. Anyone want to introduce a front page writer to the world of homosexual love making hit me up on mah celly!

Listen I'm all for gay rights and living together under one sun and all that jazz, but please recognize that homosexuals are retards and that being gay is a mental illness! That's all I ask!

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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