In the future both unidentified males and females will be referred to as Jayden Doe
— slickhairboy (@Hellaphantitis) September 23, 2013
*eats several sleeves of crackers/sweaters*
— Li'l Edie Surly (@JennyPentland) September 23, 2013
probably the funniest noises you could hear during a funeral would be an actual donkey bray (eeyore noise), or the sound of dial-up internet
— Hot Mini Donuts (@diaper_wolf) September 23, 2013
egg land isn't a real country. egglands best is a fucking sham. im shaking. don't buy
— Neon ''Butch' Wario (@neonwario) September 23, 2013
is it wrong to take a crap on the lawn of this best buy in protest that they have grumpy cat merchandise
— meh (@idontlikethings) September 23, 2013
The most insidious prison is the one that needs no locks, no guards, the one where inmates slouch gladly into their cells. #Emmys
— Miah St. Cyr (@MiahSaint) September 22, 2013
i bought a pinetree car freshener and it i the worst, most pungent smell. I hate this air freshener and I hate myself for buying it
— Timothy Faust (@crulge) September 22, 2013
There was always that one kid in school who was teased mercilessly about his name... I wonder whatever happened to Kyle Dickinmybutt?
— Dan Ewen (@VaguelyFunnyDan) September 22, 2013
cant wait to get home and take this fuckin bra off. let my cans fuckin loose man
— deg (@degg) September 22, 2013
The next time somebody complains about millennials, maybe remind them which generation linoleumed over all those beautiful hardwood floors.
— Julieanne Smolinski (@BoobsRadley) September 22, 2013
If you have a dream catcher on your rear view mirror I assume you sleep in your car
— Brunette_babe (@AlexIsCool69) September 22, 2013
Just saw Shaq on TV and said out loud "I love Shaq"
— Todney or whatever (@rodney_berry) September 22, 2013
i would really like to formally apologize for being a bad, crude, immature account all these years. i really shit the jacuzzi on this one
— BRASNON (@bransonbranson) September 21, 2013
Oh hey, didnt see you there. My name is ishmael. My whole life from the passed to now ive always thought that a whale was cool
— John V (@wettbutt) September 21, 2013
judge: you are sentenced to death for irony. any last words me: Simpsons new seasons are better than old ones [escapes in the ensuing chaos]
— Tony homo (@BevisSimpson) September 20, 2013
*billions of years from now when the sun consumes the earth* WORLD STARRRRR
— L Ǝ O И (@leyawn) September 20, 2013
Take your 60% less salt triscuits and get the fuck out of my house
— Dan Duvall (@lazerdoov) September 19, 2013
In the moonlight, the hayfields shone like the frosted tips of a youth minister #fall
— Patricia Lockwood (@TriciaLockwood) September 18, 2013
Whenever someone ends their email to me with "Cheers" I always wonder how they knew I was drinking
— Eliza Bayne (@ElizaBayne) September 17, 2013
I tried to wake & bake earlier but I accidentally shattered my bong on the boat motor
— john truckasauras (@chuchugoogoo) September 16, 2013
People who use the ;-) face scare the shit out of me
— Elijah Daniel (@aguywithnolife) September 14, 2013
Become an economist? In THIS economy?!
— Lynn Bixenspan? (@lynnbixenspan) September 14, 2013
Hard hitting investigative reporting on why dog wieners are in the middle of their tummies
— Alison Agosti (@AlisonAgosti) September 13, 2013
My phone is at 1% and I can only legally drink at this restaurant for 45 more minutes so this is my suicide note.
— amber (@soleilalaplage) September 13, 2013
i put a hot dog in my pants and whipped it out on video and smashed it with a hammer then i watched the video and immediatly deleted it
— Trent (@BurgerDude1488) September 13, 2013
in highschool i ruined my friend's reputation on his favorite gameboy emulator forums by registering an account pretending to be his grandpa
— vrunt (@vrunt) September 13, 2013
wife on delivery room table screaming, husband holding her hand, doctor yelling PUSH, little steaming red hot car drives out of her pussy
— BAKUN (@BAKKOOONN) September 13, 2013
thanks for embarrassing me in front of george lucas by A) repeatedly calling him george lupus and B) asking him about "space incest"
— stefan (@boring_as_heck) September 12, 2013
I went to dennys today and bought the double decker rootin tootin mother fucker for $9.99
— The Prez (@Perfect_Beanis) September 12, 2013
Shy construction crew just blushing and kicking at the ground every time a lady walks by
— Horton Atonto (@crushingbort) September 10, 2013
Something Awful is in the process of changing hands to a new owner. In the meantime we're pausing all updates and halting production on our propaganda comic partnership with Northrop Grumman.
Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
Landmarks and statues around the world: old, boring and could use an update.
Join the SA Forum photoshop goons in their quest to make horror wholesome!
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