From: "Endless mike"
Subject: (no subject)

dear spokker, this is in regards to your reveiw of the newest grand theft auto.
i think perhaps you were a bit heavy handed with the ney-saying. the story is not meant to be the greatest. i don't think it is fair to hold this game up to others such at fable, or even the new halo, because it just isn't the same. this is game is not about story, and its hardly about driving, this game is about blowing shit up. its about getting a hooker, doing your buisness, and then beating her to death with a bat. its about fun, and getting to do things that no man woman or child should ever do.yes it has pissed alot of people off, but those people, are not normal people, they are religious nut bags, that should not be listened to any way, i am a very spiritual man, but it does not rule my emotions. they are fundametalists, that think little johnny did this on his play station, he's going to do it in real life, wich simply isn't the case. but when you think about it, isn't pissing people off, the american way.
by the way im a huge fan of the sight, as well as a huge fan of the gta dynasty. i apologise if too, was a bit heavy handed, with my opinions and words, also im sorry for the gross amounts of spelling, and grammer errors.
nighty night.

What is with the under-handed insults tonight? I do have heavy hands sir and I am insulted by your comment. I won't even dignify your email with any more of a response.

Jesus, what is this world coming to?

Subject: GTA SA review.

Your GTA SA review was BS its Carl Johnson and his mum was killed not his dad you have not played the game so shut up and take that review down

No it wasn't Carl Johnson it was Carl Winslow and it wasn't his mom who got killed it was his neighbor's dentist. Have you ever seen this movie called The Secret Lives of Dentists? It's a funny movie where this guy's wife cheats on him and he wants to kill her but can't because he's a giant wuss.

It must be a full moon because here's another flame mail!

Subject: San Andreas Article

Who checks your facts when you write a story?

Your San Andreas article has misinformation in just the first sentence of the overview.

The lead character's name is Carl Johnson not Jordan!
San Andreas is a state... not a city!
He is trying to avenge his mother's death, not his father's!
The Developer Rockstar North and the Publisher is Rockstar Games, not Rockstar Interactive!

You should get your facts straight before you start writing about anything... are you sure you even played this game to give it a review????

It doesn't seem like you even know what you are talking about!!

Get your shit straight!

I will answer all of the points you made in your email truthfully and honestly.

Who checks your facts when you write a story?

My cat.

The lead character's name is Carl Johnson not Jordan!

No it's not.

He is trying to avenge his mother's death, not his father's!


The Developer Rockstar North and the Publisher is Rockstar Games, not Rockstar Interactive!


You should get your facts straight before you start writing about anything.

Utterly and completely false. You know what, get your facts straight before writing to this website. You don't know what you're talking about!

Oh mercy.

More Truth Media [Flames]

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