
You've decided to poison them with the rotting animal bits you're lugging around while their backs are turned.


Lacks polish, eh? Karol, take us to page 68!


We decided to fight the guard, and thanks to Karol, we succeeded! What items should we take from the tent?


Take the noble codpiece. It will likely be lavishly adorned and command respect from others.


Steal whatever looks the most like a priceless family heirloom, and some nice clothes.


Nobles like to travel with a holy relic or two. See if there are any clumps of a saint's hair tied with a ribbon made of gold, a shriveled hand holding a rosary which is said to grant wishes, or vials of blood with holy symbols on the stopper that could save someone from death.


Steal the shiniest object available.


We've chosen decent clothes, jewellery and a codpiece.

Wrapping things up we turn back to 38:

We give credit to Jeff for what we've done here, then we pinch a horse and ride to our next decision point:

Now, do we want to take a little while to ride over to that tower and sort out the Wizard of Warlock Tower on behalf of our useless brethren? Or is there something else that we should be doing?


insert ROCK GOBLIN MOUNTAIN OYSTER into MAGNIFICENT CODPIECE as if it were a bowl, use CONDIMENTS on OYSTER and have a healthy meal

Mojo Threepwood

This is our chance to move on from being a half elf to becoming a 60%, even 75% elf! I say we:

  • Eat the testicle in front of the elves to cow them into submission and take prisoner
  • March them up to the Wizards tower
  • Offer the wizard jewelry and money to transfuse as much elf blood into us as possible


A pretty tough fight, but oddly it's limited to three rounds. We don't have the option to throw this one completely, but we could expend minimum Effort (1 per round ). We could also just kick the hell out of these elves .


I vote that we terminate the elves with maximum prejudice and haul their remains up to the Wizard as an offering - elf skeletons in (slightly damaged) fleshy gift wrap.


Most people wanted to fight the elves, and the majority of those wanted to beat the hell out of them, so we're going to do that.

First we have to fight three combat rounds against what appears to be kind of a weak opponent but is actually really vicious because they collectively have one Fist. In the end we knock off two of their toughness at a cost of 30 effort. Even winning fights in this game can really suck.

It was probably worth going all-out against these elves, since they had the potential to kick us nearly to death if we didn't. We get lucky and escape unharmed. Until the skeletons show up:

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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