tek79 has a wild and untamed eye for fashion.

This photo from orange lime will put hair on your chest and teeth in your groin.

showbiz_liz captures a rare and intimate moment that forever changed politics.

Darthphunk is Montana's most rugged Worf cosplayer.

That's it! Thanks to el Gran Poco for getting this magical journey started, and to the Something Awful Forum Goons for making all these fine images. Bonus props to my bro David Thorpe for ghostwriting a ton of comments.

– Josh "Livestock" Boruff (@Livestock)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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Photoshop Phriday showcases the tremendous image manipulation talents of the Something Awful Forum Goons. Each week they tackle a new theme, parodying movies, video games, comics, history, and anything else you can think of. If you want in on the action, join us on the Something Awful Forums!

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