mysterious frankie

sometimes I eat a raw potato while crying & sitting on the toilet. most of the time I don't fall off or bite my tongue.


Troi once said that growing up witnessing my mother's verbal and physical abuse of my father has conditioned me to think Keiko's treatment of me is completely acceptable.

However, every time I try to bring up the nightmares of the Cardassian War and how much it really has occupied all my other waking thoughts it's always, "Oh, session's up. We'll discuss this next week!"

I sat on the toilet with a phaser rifle beneath my chin and she didn't see that as a problem. Keiko yelling at me for leaving the seat up after I chickened out and stood up to take a piss like a big boy, THAT'S THE PROBLEM!


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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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