Believe it or not, astronauts are people too. In fact, they are some of the most important people alive, far more important than murders, rapists, and child molesters even. Although I am not an astronaut myself, I do fancy the work they do, as my inability to fly or breathe without oxygen prevents me from doing it for them. I know the Something Awful Forum Goons appreciate astronauts as well, and it shows in this week's Phriday. Rather than focusing on the negative aspects of space exploration or astronauts, the goons explored astronauts having fun and getting into mischief, both in space and on land. I hope you enjoy images of astronauts, because if not, you're totally screwed this week.

darthphunk breaks it down as only he and a stick of dynamite can.

darthphunk continues his funky ways.

zengarden shows off some of that billion dollar technology NASA created at your expense.

Forget space walks, Unkempt is walking freer than ever.

More Photoshop Phriday

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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