This article is part of the SkyMall Product Reviews series.

Customer Review:
By Pete Ghastly from Atlanta, GA

I'm not going to mince words here. This is a waste of money. You can get the same sort of effect with a few feet of steel chain and a cinder block. I have a strong neck with amazing girth. Women are always complimenting me on my neck and asking to touch it. It is so remarkable not because of some NeckPro sissy head bra but because I am a man and I take care of my neck in a manly way. Thank you for your time. God Bless You.

Age: 41-45


Customer Review:
By Airtight from Sausalito, CA

Ever since trying this product my neck feels amazing... but at what cost? Whenever I use the NeckPro my family is horrified as though I am hanging or torturing myself. Wife, kids, this is not like that time you came home early and I had the belt around my neck in the bathtub. I am trying to heal myself.

Age: 41-45


Customer Review:
By Claris C from Soup Springs, MD

Works great on adults but is very problematic when used on toddlers. Ours just hung there, dangling like a piñata while our dog got very angry and barked and bit at his feet. He's fine now, and we've since trained him not to bark or bite.

Age: 31-35


Customer Review:
By Winslow

Thank you NeckPro! I no longer feel pain in my neck and have in fact lost all sensation in my lower extremities. I did not anticipate the loss of bladder and sphincter control, but thankfully SkyMall sells a wide array of products to help me manage my incontinence.

Age: 51-55


Customer Review:
By SkyMallCop

It's called Neck PRO, not Neck Amateur. If you can't handle a professional neck traction device, then don't bother buying this one. Go to a doctor and have him massage your weak neck. For those of us who can handle a professional grade Neck Traction Device, the NeckPro is perfect. Once they make an extra large size capable of harnessing my head and neck, I will be using it every day.

Age: 26-30


Customer Review:
By Crab Fisher Man

I tried many home remedies for neck pain such as tying a rope to a log, then to my neck, then throwing either myself or the log off a bridge. Nothing helped my neck feel better. In fact, they made my neck feel worse. The NeckPro Traction Device delivered the minimal amount of pain I've ever experienced while trying to violently throttle my own neck. I am a satisfied customer. Thank you. My neck thanks you. The part of my body below my neck thanks you.

Age: 41-45


Customer Review:
By Elegant Grandma from Miami, FL

Love it. Makes me feel like gentle angels are reaching down and grabbing the base of my skull and pulling upward as if to remove my head from my body completely, only they don't and the disorienting euphoria that follows briefly frees me from my neck pain for a good 10-15 minutes. After that it comes back twice as strong, but that little respite makes all the difference in the world.

Age: 56-60


Customer Review:
By Paul from Turtle's Hope, AZ

Three words: strap me in. Neck Pro has done for my neck what women have done for my sex life. Every time I equip the harness, tighten the jaw clamps and pull down on the suffocating drawstring, I feel my neck health increasing by hundreds of percentage points. I must have the neck of a twenty year old right now. My head is so loose and wobbly... it feels great!

Age: 46-50


Customer Review:
By Shelly

I bought this product for my brother. He loved it to death. He is dead now. His neck snapped. R.I.P. (Rest in Pace).

Age: 36-40

– Josh "Livestock" Boruff (@Livestock)

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