This article is part of the HYURGI TIGERWOODS series.

To use kettlebell:

  1. 1. GRIP
  2. 2. MOVE ARM
  3. 3. BICEB???
  4. 4. STRONGER

Congratulations you complete training. This...

Become this...


Spetsnaz use same course combined with brick training. This is brick training:

Hmmmm pretty good. If you want to be second #2 best.

US NAVYSEAL TEAM6 use ONLY kettlebell. Osama bin laden used INCLINE BENCH. Fucker........

It pain me to say but sorry Spetsnaz looks like you need ot practice more.

Type of Kettlebell to order (act now, free kettlebed or kettlesinglet)

This is standard kettlebell 24 kilo, pretty good for a baby to lift with biceb

This is gray kettlebell 8 kilo for cancer patient, person in coma, maybe a little rolly bug. This is good if you are those.

Hitek kettlebell 24 kilo it counts your reps outloud and after each one laugh and say "stronger" and when you stop it say "quitting already? what a shitter you are" it motivates....

It is time for you to order

– HYURGI TIGERWOODS (@sexyfacts4u)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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Russia's #1 strong man and his extended family have various things they want to sell you.

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