pretty much i just looked at shit on a microscope and counted how many dots there were on some sort of cell and he got all excited when one of them didnt have any dots and started ranting and raving about leukemia or something i guess thats good cuz mikhail yerlov and burgundy poth have some weird thyroid problem which is super SUPER gross because they keep pukin and shittin blood in the space crapper which in zero gravity u can magine is a mess neways i guess a spa e pumpkin cures cancer so whoopty doo XOXOXOXOXOX Juice-E |
![]() ![]() pretty much nothin theres space everywhere and a bunch of dickheads on my spaceship oh yeah mikhial yurilv died and burgundy is n a coma with "INOPERLBL TUMORS" or somthing venon k. armstrong is in charge hes better than yurilev but he thinks he cant pilot the ship in the gravity storms or something about gravity wells or somethign. so well see how that goes WATEVER not 2 worried cuz crashin would bee 2 cool for this piece of crap mission to celberate his promioton i got super wasted on fermented pickls and then totally made out with pixiee which vernon k. armstrong go t all mad about and then he said u cant get drunk off pickls but I WAS it was hotttt XOXOXOXOXOXXOOXOX Juice-E |
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Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
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