| World's First "Cheeskin" Bred in LabGourmand - August 27th, 2014By Esteban Clitter Tired of bones in your chicken? South Korean food engineering company Tasetech has the answer. They have have bred the first "Cheekin", a chicken with cheese flavored and textured bones. Is Your Butter Giving You Enough Human Growth Hormone? BBC News Pizza Flavored Water Big Hit in Japan Tokyo Today New York Times - Portly Scientist - Delicious Food News - Foxwire all 2,433 news articles |
| CDC Links Heart Disease to SIDSAmerican Medical Journal - August 27th, 2014By HUGO BABBY Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, commonly known as "crib death", claimed almost 65,000 infants in 2013, up 7000% from just a decade earlier. The rise may be explained by a new CDC study that links a variety of cardiac and pulmonary illnesses to SIDS. Landfills Choked With 40-inch Diapers The Daily Girth Lipitor Chewables Clear FDA AP Christian Savory Monitor - The Immense Doctor - Defib Daily - Foxwire all 824 news articles |
| Prison Overcrowding Worsens Despite Low CrimeWashington Post - August 27th, 2014 |
| Euros Embrace 4-Wheelers for City TravelRoma Turismo - August 26th, 2014 |
| Minus-Size Model Argues for "Thin Rights"TMZ.com - August 26th, 2014 |
| Airbus Megaliner Will Seat 8Comfortable Aviation Monthly - August 26th, 2014 |
| 3 Die, 9 Hospitalized in Anti-War Protest TragedyLos Angeles Times - August 26th, 2014 |
| US Caves to Colombian DemandsAP - August 25th, 2014By SUZE GONZALEZ Following a 6-week standoff over cocoa exports, the United States has caved to the demands of the Colombians in order to avoid further mass-suicides. The US will be surrendering one-quarter of its nuclear arsenal to the Colombians, although early indications are the stockpile will be left on the steps and the Colombians will have to come get it themselves. Revised Food Pyramid Emphasizes Cake, Gummi Groups Your "Health" Amid Embargo Fears Choco Coins Briefly Beat Gold The Economist Sweets & Business - Forbes - Chocolate Report - Foxwire all 364 news articles |
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