This article is part of the SA Celebrity Stalker series.
If it be celebrity sightings ye seek, look no further than the words & pictures below. Our celebhounds are always on the scent.
Yesterday @ 10am | Yesterday @ 12pm |
Yesterday @ 1pm | Yesterday @ 3pm |
Yesterday @ 4pm | MKYesterday @ 6pmRan into Mary Kate outside Nobu. She took one look at me and her eyes lit up real big like she just saw a ghost made out of gold. Within seconds she was offering me 25 big ones for a kidney. I couldn't refuse. Woke up a few hours later in a bathtub full of ice in an abandoned warehouse. Still waiting for the money, but I'm sure it's coming. |
Today @ 3am | Today @ 11am |
Today @ 3pm | Sean PennToday @ 5pmI swear I'm not making this up! Seriously, this is for real. Sean Penn is not more than 800 yards away eating sunflower seeds. I'm telling you this is 100% legit. You gotta believe me, mister. |
James GandolfiniToday @ 6pmSpotted Gandolfini at a certain posh restaurant in SOHO. He had a peculiar habit of eating with his hands -- no utensils. He just smashed up his food and shoveled it into his mouth like a beast. Grunted and growled the whole time. | Josh HartnettToday @ 9pmWas on a flight to Colorado from LAX. Opened the luggage compartment to stow one of my bags and found Josh Hartnett sleeping like an angel. I didn't want to wake him so I ended up using one of the other luggage compartments. The lil' guy slept up there the whole flight. |
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Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
Landmarks and statues around the world: old, boring and could use an update.
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Keep up with all the latest celebrity sightings from New York to LA, and anywhere else the stars shine.
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