This article is part of the SA Celebrity Stalker series.
Ah hah! Our spies see all that transpires in the realm of the celebrity. Behold these fresh dispatches!
Yesterday @ 12pm | Yesterday @ 2pm |
Yesterday @ 4pm | Yesterday @ 7pm |
Yesterday @ 8pm | Olver Platt & Guys and Dolls CastYesterday @ 10pmSaw the entire cast and crew of Guys and Dolls getting into a single taxi cab near Broadway. WE LOVE YOU, OLIVER PLATT. |
Today @ 2am | Today @ 10am |
Today @ 11am | Clive OwenToday @ 12pmSpotted Clive looking hella stately walking down the street with a beautiful kite shield in hand. Literally the perfect fashion accessory. Classic, but still hip and modern. Probably offers good defense, too. |
George LopezToday @ 4pmSitcom star George Lopez is relaxing on the beach. He's completely naked and sunning himself. Looks good. Everything in the right place. Will try to provide some illustrations later. | Wayne KnightToday @ 7pmI can't go into detail but I'm seriously inside Wayne Knight's closet right now and he doesn't know it. He's in the room and I think he's about to change clothes. Oh god, if he finds me I'm a goner for sure. I love you, Sandy. Take care of the kids. |
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Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
Landmarks and statues around the world: old, boring and could use an update.
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Keep up with all the latest celebrity sightings from New York to LA, and anywhere else the stars shine.
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