Hydrogen: Note: This is a real scene in a real movie, for serious. Complete with elevator music.

Trillaphon: That one guy looks like he re-stole the cyber-Caesar getup from Eliminators.

Hydrogen: I'd try to put this scene in context, but we honestly don't know. There's something about the daughter of the desert-slogging lady being on a space station at the heat death of the universe, and then these guys show up and try to mug her or something, and then she uses her mildly depressed talking computer to restart the big bang.

Trillaphon: This movie is like A Hitchhiker's Guide to Crippling Psychological Trauma.

Hydrogen: I feel like I'm playing that novelty surgery game on Steam that lets you horribly butcher patients because you have no idea what you're doing. Except it's my own brain I'm operating on, and it's all totally real.

Trillaphon: If you figure out where to cut yourself to give yourself irreversible anterograde amnesia, let me know.

Hydrogen: I feel like I'm playing that novelty surgery game on Steam that lets you horribly butcher patients because you have no idea what you're doing. Except it's my own brain I'm operating on, and it's all totally real.

Trillaphon: Dammit, you were supposed to tell me first.

Special Effects-7
Music / Sound-9

– Garrett "Hydrogen" Neil and Sean "Trillaphon" Neil (@trillaphon)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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