Zack: Oh, hang on, my dad says he wants to talk to you. Can you talk to him really quick?
DebbieH: Sure!
Zack: Okay, one second.
DebbieH: Okay!!
Zack: Hello
DebbieH: Hello Sir!!
Zack: My 15 year old son said you sent him to a girls on girls site. I had a question about that.
DebbieH: Sure!! What is your question??
Zack: Does your site have any harder content like penetration or facials? Or do you know of a site with that sort of thing?
DebbieH: Sometimes our girls use sexual assistance, like penetration, to get pleasure!!
DebbieH: Would you be interested in joining our site???
Zack: I mean like from a man. I have gotten tired of girls on girls and I can really only learn and grow from pictures of men with their penises in women.
DebbieH: Oh, I'm sorry! Our Site only has hot girls on girls!! I'm sure if you look around there are other sites with men too!!
Zack: Can you suggest one because I looked really hard in Hotbot and Ask Jeeves and I didn't see anything.
DebbieH: I don't really know of any, maybe you should try to search because they have wider searches!!!!!!
Zack: Well I am a very busy man. How about this? You find me a good one using that thing you just said and I will sign my wife up for your girls on girls site. She doesn't even have to know (wink WINK)
DebbieH: Hehehe, that sounds good!! I'll try to find you a site!!!!
Zack: Preferably one with big black penises.
Zack: And white women.
DebbieH: Sure, I can try!
Zack: THX!!! Man thank you you are a lifesaver.
DebbieH: Try this web site: , the name is kind of enticing, dont you think!!!!!!
Zack: That site is really confusing I mean like find a site like yours I can sign up for but it is a man on girl and the man is black (with a big penis) and the girl is a white.
Zack: hello?
Zack: I have my credit card out to sign my wife up for your site but a deal is a deal I always say.
DebbieH: Is your Son there??? Hello!!! Is everything O.K?
Zack: You have not given me a site to sign up to then I will give my son back the Internet.
DebbieH: Hello!!! How are you?!
*** Auto-response from Zack: I am enjoying hot Girl on Girl action. Try back later!
DebbieH: hehe! Awesome!!!
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