![](http://i.somethingawful.com/cliff/ihateyou/page-172-01.jpg) |
"Human Corpse" Stack investigates photos
of the nefarious "Aura of Horrible Failure"
surrounding innocent citizens of North Appleton
and turning them into mobile bludgeoning targets.
The newest victims include Hives Hands and The
Bloated Tomato, both pictured here. I think that's
Ronald McDonald's wife on the left.
![](http://i.somethingawful.com/cliff/ihateyou/page-172-02.jpg) |
kids, always chain and lock up YOUR goth when
you're done using him! What you would use these
pathetic slambags for, I don't know, but it'd
have to be pretty good. Like using their hollowed
out skull to store your salad forks. I always
chain my Goth to a back of a bus because buses
are pretty easy to spot, especially when they're
dragging somebody with enough white facepaint
to draw a solid white line down the goddamn street.
![](http://i.somethingawful.com/cliff/ihateyou/page-172-03.jpg) |
![](http://i.somethingawful.com/cliff/ihateyou/page-172-04.jpg) |
Thomas takes a seat in the "Big Boys"
chair. I punted his tiny little bloated ass out
onto the highway, where he was hit by a pickup
truck carrying hay and watermelons. I fucking
hate watermelons. I get those stupid black seeds
stuck in between my teeth and then I have to use
a goddamn icepick to get them out, and I haven't
been able to find my icepick since the day the
Henderson kids came over sometime late October,
dressed up like imbeciles and demanding candy.
What the fuck, do I LOOK like some flaming jackass
who stores Mars bars in his place year round?
I threw the icepick at their dad, and when the
idiot kids were dragging his body away, I lobbed
cans of peaches at their heads while cursing and
falling down. I woke up the next day behind my
house and my goddamn pants were gone which really
fucking stinks because those were my lucky pants
I wore the day the helicopter fell on Eddie Feinstine.
![](http://i.somethingawful.com/cliff/ihateyou/page-172-05a.jpg) |
Hey baby, calm down! Those other bitches didn't
mean anything to me, baby! You're the only one
in my life, I swear baby! ROOOOWWWWRWRRRR!"
Uglycat, what the hell are you talking about,
you goddamn crippled filthy carpet?
That's it, old man! I'm gonna cram my claws
down your 200 year old throat and manually remove
your testicles from the inside! ROOOOWWWWRWRRRR!"
![](http://i.somethingawful.com/cliff/ihateyou/page-172-06.jpg) |
the 38 nuclear power plants in South Appleton
pretty much insure that these puss-oozing jackbats
never build up a sperm count greater than their
shoe size, they still find other ways to put
more "pep" into their not-so-private
parts. I don't remember who the fuck this nappyhaired
candied cretin is, but I remember that kitchen
in the background. It took me 10 seconds to
tear out all their sink pipes and throw them
into Miller's Creek out back. I can't remember
what the hell they did to piss me off so much,
but you can assume it was pretty annoying, whatever
it was. I think their meaty kid took a picture
of me pissing in their well.