Reppin': rubber cat
congratulations fyad, you've goatsed OVER ONE MILLION twitterers who care about iran - over the past week, twitter has proved itself to be a invaluably useful tool for disseminating news and information about the iranian election, coordinating protests, and perhaps stemming revolution amongst the iranian people. it can also be used for mass goatseing and spreading malicious rumors about washed up rock bands!
must love horses - 22 (Battery Park) - i haven't actually read this thread because it's like a billion pages but apparently it's about a really funny prank involving craigslist?? go click if you got a week to spare
list of things that dogs do that would be hot if a girl did them - be taken to a farm upstate to live out the rest of their lives
hmmm I wrote a movie about a bunch of dudes fighting in space I know I'll c - here's a cool star wars thread for all the nerds reading this right now. cant have enough star wars threads if you ask me
idea for NEw Yorker cartoon maybe?????????? - yeah i subscribe to the new yorker harper's magazine and the economist (in that order). wanna fight about it? bring it on bitchface
Sociological Study: A Cubist Portrait of Society via Google Autofill - Kaleidoscopic Vision of Contemporary Society Through The Mechanism of Google Autofill
Hawaii 5-5-5-5-5 - those goofy goons are at it again!!! this week some dudes in the DIY forum (???) are going to build a society on some Hawaiian island or something. sounds like a recipe for hilarity!!! lets all have a laugh with this goodtime fyad thread
hey dads and grads does anyone have 12396 fyad flags .rar - there's these things called fyad flags at the top of the forum that have been there since like 2003 or so and right now you can only see the third generation of them so if you want to have a million little images about long-forgotten message board inside jokes on your hard drive you should take a gander at this thread maybe
girls get naked like every day - J.M. Goetzee has made a shocking new discovery about the fairer sex that will blow your mind!!! "inconceivable!" - guy from princess bride
Tweets from the Third World - check out this exclusive sneak peek preview of an upcoming front page article!
~*~ The Firing Range ~*~
Reppin': Miso Beno
Ironman 3 Gun 2009 - Why LARP with foam swords when you can LARP with rifles and targets that don't hit you back? [Check out the Stage 7 video, it's pretty sweet]
Can I (legally) shoot guns in Switzerland as a non-citizen? - Only if you are white, have a neck beard, and speak German.
Is it a Colt? Is it a Walther? What did my dad buy! - Mishaco's father picked up a $500 Colt/Walther .22LR AR-15 clone and found out that it's everything on it is just for decoration and that it is really no better than a 10/22 with some fancy plastic glued to it.
Mine is bigger than yours. Post yo dicks. - ENHANCE YOUR PEN !$ GIRTH FOR HIS PLEASURE.
Expanding pellet: Gamo Red Fire polymer tipped. Test pics inside. - Nothing like getting an ass full of TEFLON COATED HOLLOW POINT COP KILLA PELLETZ.
A basic guide to cleaning "corrosive" residue out of semi-auto firearms - Stop bitching about corrosive ammunition rotting your gun and learn how to clean them properly. It's not hard.
What was your first gun? Do you still own it? - Why I love my Jennings .25 cal mouse gun - Gun Supplies and Accessories - Why let some stranger rob you blind when you can get a couple of goons to do it instead?
The 870 Project - Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets Bayonets
How many guns do you own? - Why a nice tidy list of people to who's houses your should steal from. In order.
Something Awful is in the process of changing hands to a new owner. In the meantime we're pausing all updates and halting production on our propaganda comic partnership with Northrop Grumman.
Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
Landmarks and statues around the world: old, boring and could use an update.
Join the SA Forum photoshop goons in their quest to make horror wholesome!
Yes, there are finally enough games for a new round of One Sentence Reviews
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