~*~ Serious Hardware / Software Crap ~*~
The Windows and Windows Software Megathread
Canadian internet access gets shittier
The Cisco Short Questions Thread v12.4.9(WTF)
Javascript questions which don't deserve their own thread.
SELECT * FROM Questions WHERE Type = 'Stupid'
Wordpress - Development, Themes, Plugins.
~*~ Debate & Discussion ~*~
Gun Violence and "...The inevitable legislative response"
UK Political Megathread: cutscutscutscutscuts
Foreclosure crisis Mk II: more fraudlier
Why Chinese Mothers are Superior- WSJ
Canadian Political Hinterland: Who's Who
~*~ The TV IV ~*~
Stop remembering TV and get back to work! The Simpsons Bad.. Quote... Thing
Community: "It's a metaphor. It represents a lack of payoff."
House Season 7: "I'm gonna FUCK Cuddy"
Sons of Anarchy, Season 3: "Now, I don't."
Babylon 5: There's nothing a nuclear warhead can't fix
Thread of Posts: Game of Thrones coming to HBO Spring 2011
Something Awful is in the process of changing hands to a new owner. In the meantime we're pausing all updates and halting production on our propaganda comic partnership with Northrop Grumman.
Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
Landmarks and statues around the world: old, boring and could use an update.
Join the SA Forum photoshop goons in their quest to make horror wholesome!
Yes, there are finally enough games for a new round of One Sentence Reviews
The Something Awful Forums: the last bastion of sanity on the Internet. "Forum Fridays" glances at some of the most interesting and popular threads from nearly each forum, highlighting a handful of threads each week.
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