Chapter Four - Love Blooms From a Soda
As Dari watched she lifted the can to her pink lips, parting them slightly and teasing around the tip of the can with her tongue. She tossed her magenta locks of hair over her shoulder and slowly worked just the top of the can into her mouth. The soda oozed out of it, coating her tongue and lubricating itself as she began to move it in and out of her warm mouth. She swallowed and felt the cool liquid pour down her throat. Dari shifted uncomfortably, transfixed by the spectacle as Miss Tokyomama took all six meaty inches of Super Sour Okay into her mouth. Her throat relaxed to accept the top of the can and she pistoned the length of it in and out rhythmically.
Abruptly Dari's nose erupted in a fountain of blood, spraying all the way across the room to land on Miss Tokyomama's cleavage. Even after the initial burst of blood it continued to pour out comically like a faucet inside of his nostrils had been turned to "red". Miss Tokyomama gasped and smeared the blood across the tops of her breasts. She moaned and called Dari to the front of the class.
"Mr. Armostrongo, I think you have been quite the troublemaker today and I think you need to stay after class," she said as she unbuttoned another button on the top of her shirt to reveal even more of her cleavage.
When Dari returned to the classroom after school Miss Tokyomama was all over Dari like a pox blanket on a Cherokee woman. She smothered him with kisses and nearly crushed him beneath the pendulous weight of her bosom. He finally gasped for air and was set free.
He looked at her three times and thought about her three more times. He had the choice to have sex with her or go home and have sex with his mother again. While that may seem like an easy choice for those of you like me who don't have a lot of experience or desire to have sex with their mother, for Dari it was quite the conundrum. At last he opted to drop his slacks and explode onto the scene with a whole new routine, having sex with every part of Miss Tokyomama ranging from her "special place" to her "weird clicking eyelids". When they finally collapsed exhausted into one another's arms, Dari knew that he was in love.
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