Chapter Two - We Must Take All the Guns to Save Our Babies!
Let me appeal to your irrational emotional side by conveying an event that was related to me by a young girl in the ghetto and to which I can provide no factual backing. I spend a lot of time at community outreach facilities like Midnight Basketball and The Harlem Girl's School of Fencing, so I know exactly what it's like on the streets. I was introduced to a young girl, we will call her "Sally" to make it even more impossible for critics to disprove this story. She had a fighting spirit, she was getting excellent grades in school, and she belonged to a number of extracurricular activities. She achieved all of this despite her tragic physical ailments which included only having one eye, her entire face being covered with disfiguring acid scars, having two artificial legs, an artificial arm, and a pacemaker. In the bullet-pocked shelter of the "Little Ladies School for Synchronized Swimming" young "Sally" told me her sad story.
You would think the conservatives and particularly Johndolph Hitlercroft at the Justice Department would do something to safeguard the lives of our precious babies from guns, but instead they seem to think that these crazy people have a right to have them! For example, here is a quote from a post-September 11th speech given by John Ashcroft.
"Guns...isn't the problem…everyone…should have…a…gun. I feel…nothing…but hatred…for African Americans today and hope…that they…were killed by secondary explosions in the building."If that is not the most despicable quote I have ever heard I simply don't know what is! Shame on you Republicans for voting for the man that put this man into office! As conscientious citizens of this proud nation we must act and act quickly to take every single gun out of the home, every single pistol away from every single mall cop, and every single black powder rifle away from every single vile civil war reenactor.
- John Ashcroft.
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