Steve: You are approaching White Plume Mountain. Ahead of you there is a mountain with a plume above it.

Zack: What color is this plume?

Steve: White.

Zack: I conjure an undead horror to serve my whims.

Steve: There is some cool black lightning effects and then a skeleton warrior appears.

Zack: Not really a horror. Oh, well. I tell him, "I command thee noble skeleton, bring me back the three magic items from the dungeon in the mountain over there."

Steve: You can't do that.

Zack: Well, it was worth a try. Alright, me and the skeleton are going into the dungeon. I ask him if he has a name.

Steve: It's a girl skeleton and she can't talk.

Zack: "Looks like I'm going to have to do all the talking, future Mrs. Buddy Jones."

Steve: You approach White Plume Mountain and climb inside.

Zack: That was easy. I'd pretty much die puking if I had to climb a giant volcano in real life.

Steve: You're in a realm of adventure.

Zack: When I climbed the mountain I wanted to let the skeleton girl climb ahead of me so I could look up at her butt.

Steve: Yes, but you're not turned on at all.

Zack: She needs to take better care of herself.

More WTF, D&D!?

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