Steve: Uh-oh, I don't feel so good.

Zack: That's the Synnibarr you took starting to work!

Steve: Should I make myself puke? That's what I did when I accidentally swallowed some dice.

Zack: Don't worry, that'll happen naturally once we take a look at the variant races.

Steve: A whole race of Batman! Yes! Gotham City will be so safe!

Zack: It should be noted that none of these races are clearly described anywhere near this chart. It lists the stats for them and their powers, but no description. They are all based on monsters, which are listed in Chapter 17, so when you're making your character you can go ahead and guess what a Tenjohussan is and then later see if you're right. (You're not right).

Steve: I want to be a Demon, Tree.

Zack: I'm a Lott, Trent.

Steve: McCracken, Raven.

More WTF, D&D!?

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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