Steve: If I had to use a single image to encapsulate all that is cool about Rifts I would use this image. It has just about all of it.
Zack: Yeah, I think your definition of cool might not sync up with the rest of the world.Steve: Are you kidding me/ Look at how much badass stuff is going on. You've got demons and bug men and detectives and dragons and knights and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and power armor and robots and...I could go on.
Zack: You've described what is on the shelf of a ten year old boy's room in about 1992. Not what is "cool."
Steve: Who gets to define what "cool" is though?
Zack: It's Vice magazine currently, but it changes from year to year.
![]() | Zack is the author of the new short story collection Wages: Future Tales of a Hired Gun, a blood-soaked satire of private military contracting. He is also the author of the genre-hopping novel Liminal States, soon to be available as an audiobook. You can find out more about Zack's latest projects and special offers on his Facebook page. |
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