Zack: The early Batman logo was pretty rough.

Lowtax: Is he wearing the New Orleans Saints logo?

Zack: Or maybe he has flippers for limbs and he is jumping.

Lowtax: He's leaping from a spooooooky drainage ditch.

Lowtax: "Okay I'm going to draw this angry baby dude eating a jelly donut but I can't figure out what his body should look like"

Zack: "Eh, just make it look like the top half of a tuxedo shirt."

Lowtax: Revenge of the jelly donut-eating Thalidomide baby from hell.

Zack: I can picture this guy staggering out of a McDonald's moaning, "Mooorrrre French Fries!"

Lowtax: Oh come on, you don't get dressed to the 9s like this dude just to hit up McDs.

Zack: You do when your skin is literally a tuxedo shirt.

Lowtax: Either way he's got some sweet child-birthin hips. Er child-stabbing hips.

More WTF, D&D!?

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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