Zack: You creep into your master's bedroom. Everything is covered in several inches of dust, except for a line of footprints to the bed from when you came and took the blanket. There is a map of the world on the wall, an intercom speaker, and an overturned table covered in cobwebs.

Steve: I place the murder condom onto the largest of the spider webs.

Zack: It keeps falling out. It's too heavy for the cobwebs.

Steve: I sexily pick it up with my boobs going all out and put it on his pillow.

Zack: The tone sounds through the speakers informing you that it is time to go to sleep for the day. The lights begin to dim.

Steve: Now he will finally pay for all those years of moves he put on my hot body.

Zack: You awaken to a strange, loud buzzing sound that you have never heard before. It is coming out of all the speakers and is very disturbing.

Steve: I rush to see the master without even time to put on my whole maid outfit. My boobs are really out there.
More WTF, D&D!?

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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