
here comes cask

yellow mold

An Enormous Boner

Saucepan Man


An Enormous Boner

one thing that rules about this is you can scroll thru and see a couple of people that are more or less normal looking and you might think "hrm maybe they arent going to be both profoundly annoying and almost shockingly boring" but no. literally every single veda post is just terrible.

Chemtrail Clem

the ones where the people are ugly dont bother me as much -- they remind me of myself, too ugly to ever get practice interacting with people, or the opposite, so naturally bad at interacting with people that you lose interest in maintaining your appearance. its the normal looking people thinking they are cool and funny that really turn my turnip, imo of course

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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