day 12051: still working on the car

day 12630: still working on the car

day 14903: still working on the car

day 14953: got kidnapped by aliens. i asked them to take the car too. still working on the car

day 15329: still working on the car

day 15898: sold the cars engine to help my neighbor buy his soul back. need to start over

day 15999: still working on the car

day 16010: still working on the car

day 16011: still working on the car

day 16740: still working on the car

day 16826: still working on the car

day 16960: still working on the car

day 17401: still working on the car

day 19182: still working on the car

day 19760: woke up to find my house on a tropical island. still working on the car

day 19993: still working on the car

day 25262: neighbor got an x wing so he gave his flying car to me. been stripping it for spare parts

day 29864: car mysteriously replaced with a model t again. left it as it is this time

day 31043: still working on the car

day 32543: still working on the car

day 37630: still working on the car

day 37796: librarians came over to ask about overdue library books. i lost them ages ago so they look my tires instead. need to start over

day 38034: still working on the car

day 38823: still working on the car

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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