day 179: got in a car accident today. need to start over

day 211: senpai noticed me today. too busy working on the car though

day 269: still working on the car

day 330: still working on the car

day: 395: got bored of working on the car. went to go work on the neighbors car instead

day 501: police and mobsters got into a shootout down the street. still working on the car

day 502: still working on the car

day 600: took a break today. spent the day thinking of what kind of work i still need to do on the car

day 763: still working on the car

day 865: government mandated that all cars need poison gas filters installed so ive been working on that

day 996: found a gremlin in the car. spent the day trying to chase it away

day 1000: still working on the car

day 1001: still working on the car

day 1002: still working on the car

day 1099: terrorists bombed all the roads. still working on the car

day 1324: neighbor got a new flying car so he gave his old car to me. been stripping it for spare parts

day 1557: neighbor sold his soul to satan. his house is always full of cultists and demons these days. still working on the car.

day 1808: still working on the car

day: 2030: still working on the car

day 2471: took a test drive. it drives pretty well but still needs some work

day 2994: still working on the car

day 3112: still working on the car

day 3595: bought a new car. still working on the old one though

day 3752: still working on the car

day 5111: neighbor has become dictator of some small country. still working on the car

day 5890: new car grew legs and walked away. still working on the car

day 6282: car mysteriously replaced with a model t. spent the day converting it back

day 7427: still working on the car

day 9494: still working on the car

day 10941: neighbors dog has started helping me work on the car

day 11045: some asshole old guy drove down the street and stole a bunch of my parts. still working on the car though


maybe you should take it to a mechanic

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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