
Yay a rug thread! 100% silk/silk. It feels awesome on your feet!

Supercar Gautier

Sorry but these are not 21st century rugs for the modern connoisseur. These rugs are good rugs for my grandma MAYBE.

Bad Sneakers

Rugs on carpet are dumb and unnecessary FYI. Rugs on a nice hardwood now...

Pope Mobile

Wrong. A nice rug on the shit carpet most apartments get can help visually tie a room together. They also add extra padding for guests passed out on the floor. A cheap, but good looking, rug under the dining room or coffee table is a lot less worrysome when it comes to stains.

Spend $30 on one at Lowes or some shit, and you don't have to be concerned about paying to replace the carpet when you move out (if you live there less than five years).

Rugs help reduce wear on the carpet, and a runner is great for hallways frequented by pets that often run up and down them.

Chemtrail Clem

Fairly fuckin informative post about rugs my friend.

Chemtrail Clem

That rug really ties the room together OP.

Thanks, SA Goons! Hey, wouldn't it be great to see the Sink Cat on the Cool Rug? someone make a Kickstarter!

– Andrew "Garbage Day" Miller

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