Do you remember The Fall Guy? Of course you don't! You don't remember Riptide or Scarecrow and Mrs. King either, or else you wouldn't be part of our Target Demographic! Apparently they're TV shows, and they really have nothing to do with this theme. But SA Forums Goons MJB, Loftis, Yodzilla and Mad Doctor Cthulhu all made knowing references to this Fall Guy program, so we'll just get those fine efforts out of the way here in the intro! Anyway, "The Fall Guy" is also Jay Dub's affectionate nickname for the Oil-Dri mascot, and he was so intrigued by this clumsy character that he took a break from watching talking-animal movies to post a thread about him! Enjoy!

Jack MacAskill

Diet Coke

That Ignorant Sap

Manly Moustache

Jack MacAskill

More Comedy Goldmine

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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