'What my floors typically look like before a shoot.'


What do you think of FacialAbuse-esque stuff? I'm no expert but I don't buy the 'it's all acting' line they take. A lot of it just seems tantamount to rape, and either way it left me feeling deeply uncomfortable when I watched it. I'm not even sure how they get away with it.


I will never get it. Don't understand why anyone would do it. I'm surprised people even know what it is.

Over-the-top oral sex scenes are terrible for both performers. Considering also how rough oral sex scenes hurt, there is no way the males in these scenes are natural. They would be limp otherwise. I've always wondered if they spike their penises.(Prior to the creation of Viagra, the method used to combat severe cases of erectile dysfunction was through the drug Caverject. It is basically a solution that you inject into your penis. After several minutes it causes an erection.)

Rap Music and Dope

DarkPriest, what to you are the negative aspects of pornography that don't affect you personally? Obviously Porn affects you because it's your meal ticket but do you think society handles it badly? Whether it's because the Internet is a recent discovery or maybe kids just have to much access to so much information at a young age, i don't know. What do you think?


I don't expect everyone to like porn or view sex in the same way. Sex is highly personal and porn in many ways is highly subjective. What turns on one person could completely turn off another. Sex is complicated because it also deals with the things people go through in life. What turns you on at 18 and what turns you on 45 could be completely different as you experience different things in life and as your body ages.

My issue is you can't pick apart one aspect of porn and not accept that there exists a polar opposite of it. Here's a reality check for everyone. The most commercially successful product is not a man and a women having sex. Transexual porn and gay porn tends to be the big earners. In transexual porn the fetish is completely geared toward the TS dominating in some fashion the male. Femdom is also very popular and that involves everything from verbal degradation to the men being anally penetrated by the woman with a strap (pegging).

No one ever worries about men doing this stuff, but somehow there is this view that the women in the industry have to be protected. That somehow woman aren't able to take care of themselves. It reeks of "we know what is better for you". I hate that. The women in the straight industry are fantastic. They aren't helpless and incapable. Many of them are strong independent women.

The problem with living in a free society is that you sometimes have to defend something you don't like. Should children be accessing porn? No. But it falls on their parents to help them navigate the world. They shouldn't be smoking and drinking either or a host of other things.

I believe that sexuality is extremely complicated. We can't expect people to always fit nice and neatly into easily defined sexual relationships. Sex isn't always white picket fences and I love you's. There are people that legitimately love rough sex. Does everyone? Of course not. I wouldn't jump out of a plane, but lots of people love doing it.

I can also offer you a personal example. When I go down on a girl I get really turned on when she holds me down there and holds my head. When I eat out a girl from behind I get really turn on when they hold my head between there ass. I don't know why. Might be because they are clearly turned on by it. I have trouble breathing, but in the moment I don't care, and there is another element of sex -- things happen in the moment.

Let me also explain why I make porn. Right now there is some guy out there. He's married and he's got a family. He's overstressed and overworked. The wife takes off with the kids to run some errand and he's left alone for a couple of hours. Maybe he cracks open a beer and sits down and starts looking at some porn. For 10 minutes he lives out some sexual fantasy in his head that will never happen to him. After it's over he goes back to whatever his life is and that little personal escapade takes a bit of the edge off. Doesn't mean he's a bad husband or a bad farther. We all find ways to blow off steam. Think of the context of where I am even posting this -- on an Internet message board where people anonymously spend countless hours insulting one another.

Thanks to Kevin "darkpriest" Moore for sharing, and to the Goons for participating! The thread remains active, so if you'd like to ask him a question in a forums setting, please join SA if you haven't already! You can also check out Kevin's Twitter page and these trailers for his films (NWS)!

– Andrew "Garbage Day" Miller

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