
How does the order for a typical scene go? Do certain things get shot first and then edited together for continuity? How do you shoot the pictures for your scenes? Do you shoot the video intro for your scenes first, and then do it all over again for the stills? If an average scene is going to be 30 minutes-ish, how long does that take on-set?


I'll break down how I do it. However keep it mind different companies do different things.

Model arrives and gets into makeup.

After makeup model does her paperwork, includes model release and has copies made of her IDs. This is to comply with a federal regulation called USC 2257.

First thing we shoot are solo photos of the model. These are called "pretty girls". These photos are used in the artwork for the scene, including DVD boxcover or the in the ads and tours you see on membership sites.

Depending on the performers and the type of scene you are shooting it can then go in a few different directions.

Some scenes are "story boarded" with photos first. This means the performers act out the plot elements, but in a mime like fashion while pictures are taken. These types of "story boarded" images are most often seen on sites like Brazzers or Naughty America.

Those story boarded photos then lead into hard core photos of the sex.

The performers put their clothes back on, get back into the makeup chair for touch ups and then we setup for video.

They then do the intro all over again for the video, which leads into the sex.

If there is no plot or if there is no need for the story board photos, then the performers do all the video and then we break and do photos of the hard core sex and then resume the scene and complete it.

If the scene is cut down to 30 minutes, most likely your shooting 40 to 45 minutes of video which can take several hours. If the scene is longer then that after being edited, then there is a lot more footage you shoot.

There are instances where you sometimes shoot sequences out of order. This tends to happen more so with features, because you are dealing with sometimes complicated dialogue or settings that require certain lighting. You might shoot the sex first and then go back afterwards and shoot the dialogue.

'One of my photo setups with Holly Taylor.'

Der Luftwaffle

Are there any directors/producers in the industry with insane visionary reputations? I've always wondered if somewhere there's a Jodorowsky-type person pitching the most extravagant and expensive porn ever conceived.


I think there are several, but making something like that would require serious financial backing. That type of project would be very difficult to bring to light, because the production companies would be very worried about the financial risk. You would almost need someone to bring a project like that to fruition with funding from outside the industry.

I've had lots of over the top crazy ideas with big sets and big ideas, but even though I'm my own boss and my own producer, I understand how difficult that would be to see a return on investment. The problem rests on the audience. Your core consumer isn't that interested.

However if there is one thing I really want to do before I am completely done, it would be to make a large scale adult movie like that. I would like to see and produce darker themed productions that really deal with the themes of sex/lust/desire, how they can destroy a person and also heal a person.

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The Comedy Goldmine examines the funniest and most creative threads from the Something Awful Forums. Although the Comedy Goldmine has changed authors many times over the years, its focus on the Something Awful Forums is still the same. Includes hilarious Photoshops, amusing work stories, parodies, and other types of oddball humor.

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