
How do men make any money doing straight porn? It seems like there'd be a line of horny dudes wrapped around the block who'd be willing to do all this stuff for free.

Kevin Moore

Most guys can't do this. Most men think they can, but they can't. It isn't having sex in private. It's having highly aerobic sex in sometimes the most difficult situations, all the while keeping every frame of penetration open to the camera lens. Anyone can have sex for 10 minutes with someone they are attracted to and that likes them. It is a whole other thing to be on a set, where time is money and the girl you're working with is having a bad day and you have to use your abilities to get her to come around and perform well with you on camera. All the while never losing your erection and then climaxing on command.

'My cat photobombing Asa Akira.'


What's it like to pertform? Sexual fantasies aside, being pointed with cameras while trying to have stylized sex with a woman you don't know in a studio full of people would be the most uncomfortable/awkward/depressing thing I can imagine.


Performing is hard to explain. It is sort of like LSD, amazing and terrifying all at the same time.

A little back story on how it came to pass for me:

I was working as an assistant for another producer at Evil Angel many years ago. He was a very prolific performer in the '70s and '80s and then moved into producing movies later in life. He would always tell me two things: You will never be a good camera operator unless you edit, and you will never be a good director unless you have performed.

The idea behind both is that until you try editing your own camera work, you won't understand your mistakes or how to improve your camera work. As a director, you won't understand what goes on in the performers' heads until you do it yourself. Once you have done it yourself, then you understand the struggles and can create a better environment for them.

When you perform and apply that to your experience as a director, it isn't about when things are good, it is about when things go BAD. There is nothing more humbling than struggling with an erection in a commercial setting, where time is money. Everything is on you as a the male. The longer you take, the more people have to be on set. It is learning how to control your body and in turn when I'm now behind the camera and a guy is struggling, I have way more insight of what is going on in his head.

I've never had to perform with a large crew. Due to the fact I was decent with a camera, my first experience many years back was shooting some POV filler content for a company. I was fairly competent and trained myself over time how to hold a camera and keep an erection. Not the easiest task when you consider camera weight and all the things you worry about while shooting. There are a couple people on set with me when I shot those and then I expanded that further and further, trying to make the POV genre more interesting.

For the last couple years I've been shooting POV movies with a DSLR rig. It's not only heavy but also I have to manually focus the entire time. It is sort of like having a mental stick shift in my head. I focus my brain on the technical elements (focus, camera angle, lighting of subject) and then shift back into the sensation so I don't lose my edge. Then I shift that mental gear back into technical mode. I go back and forth between these two gears through a POV scene.

Typically I have to take some form of break, just because physically my back or arm starts to hurt.

I have done non-POV scenes and sometimes I feel those are easier. Not having a 10-pound camera attached to you makes it so you can just focus on your scene partner and yourself.

The larger issue is the physical act of performing with someone you don't know. I've always taken time before a scene to talk to the girl: What are things you hate and what are things you like? I don't try to invade their personal space before a scene. Then as we get closer to the actual act, you get a little closer physically. Honestly, you have to flirt a little. Make her feel comfortable. Break the ice and find things in common.

It doesn't always work. You will not always have great chemistry with everyone you work with.


What % of the creampie scenes you have shot are fake?


I have only shot one creampie scene that is real.

I would say the majority are fake.

For creampies something similar to a turkey baster is filled with either Cetaphil or Pina Colada mix and interested into the vagina. It then comes out looking like an internal.

For photos many times Cetaphil is used to fake the facial.

Some producers like Monsters of Jizz or Cumshot Surprise use a setup with a thin clear tubing running underneath the penis that is attached to some sort of pump. The pump then dispenses pina colada mixture.

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