OK God Mode I just ran this image past the Fat Dinosaur Approval Committee (FDAC) and they said you're in. The welcome pack is in the post as soon as they receive your $40 check.

When you woke up this morning and said to yourself "Before this day is through I WILL see some purple dinosaur nipples" you probably doubted yourself. But now thanks to gr8ball, your ultimate goal has been accomplished.

hellbastard's drawing contains a fat dinosaur washing himself with a rag on a stick, with some subtle anti-Middle East sentiments based around turbans being covered in gasoline before then being set on fire (by a dinosaur).

"Who was holding the bag of people in Isko's drawing?" will soon become a famous question in pop culture like "Who shot JR?" or "Does anyone still care about Sonic The Hedgehog?".

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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