While weighing lunch options at his office job, ultimateforce stumbled upon Burger King's online meal generator. He decided to share this discovery with the SA Forum Goons, who promptly concocted deadly recipes. On page 3, you'll see what happens when BulletRiddled eats one of their creations! But first, the horror burgers.

For example, Blistex built "The Onionator."

From jviddal: Voilà, enjoy your Mustard Stain.

With a freak like My Little Puni's burger, you can have it your way.

pixelbaron ordered off the menu.

John ai Marre tried to healthy things up a bit with a Diet Coke and some salad.

All this food talk made D is That Guy Hungary.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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