
We've reached a new low point for AwfulVision™. I'm sure I'll be saying this exact phrase many many times in the future, but as it stands, this is the most retarded fucking thing I've ever reviewed in my two weeks of reviewing things. I'm by no means super patriotic, but it brings a tear to my eye that we live in a free country where posting idiotic, mindless bullshit like this is apparently not punishable by death, but actually encouraged!Teh.

Seriously, though, there isn't a single fucking thing about this video that doesn't piss me off. I don't know if it's the retarded scene girl's ugly haircut, her need to take pictures of herself filming herself, or the fact that she put her fucking name as the search tag. No, no, wait. I have it. The thing that pisses me off is that 55 people on this planet are stupid enough to favorite this video. This is exactly the kind of retarded bullshit that gets posted on Youtube en masse and gets way more popular than it remotely deserves to be.

Heaven knows if I was a moderately attractive scenester girl I'd spend all fucking day filming myself with not one but TWO cameras as I said stupid internet catchphrases.

What could possibly drive a human being to need attention this badly? A parent who didn't care? Being a late bloomer in High School? Listening to nothing but the Yeah Yeah Yeahs? In an exclusive AwfulVision™ interview, I sat down with "Ryea Elaine" to find out.TEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

AwfulVision: Thank you for taking the time to talk to us, Ms. Elaine. I know you're very busy.

Ryea Elaine: Teh! Teh teh tehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

AwfulVision: Haha! Yes, I totally agree. So, Ms. Elaine... may I call you Ryea?

RE: TEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Teh!

AwfulVision: Well, Ryea, are there any new projects in the works? We'd love to hear about them!

RE: z0r! w00t! Teh teh teh!

AwfulVision: Hmm. That will be a definite change in direction for you. But I'm sure it'll be great! Any final remarks?

RE: Meh! Pwn! z0r z0r Teh teh TEHHHHHHHHHHHHH ftw

AwfulVision: What's that, Ryea? Timmy fell down the well?

RE: w00t! Teh z0r. TEHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhH

AwfulVision: Good girl! Lead us to Timmy, Ryea! Lead us to Timmy, girl!

RE: I'm Rick James, bitch.

I hate the internet and wish I was dead.

Critics Corner™

"teehh! Teh teh tehhhhhhhhH!!!"

"teehh! Teh teh tehhhhhhhhH!!!"

"teehh! Teh teh tehhhhhhhhH!!!"

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

About This Column

As you may have noticed, the most popular viral videos at any given time are amazingly banal, annoying, and cliched pieces of waste. It almost seems as if the internet naturally gravitates towards the worst possible Youtube and Google video selections. So it stands to reason that if the terrible videos become popular, then the unpopular videos must be awesome! We here at Something Awful present to you AwfulVision™, our own patented service dedicated to showcasing a wide selection of unpopular videos that apparently must be good! Welcome to Web 3.9. Welcome to AwfulVision™!

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