I actually started writing this edition of AwfulVision™ back in 1987. Unfortunately, watching the intro to this first video put me to sleep for nearly 2 decades. Sorry for the delay.

FROM: Heidi Charolette
TO: occupyjapan@somethingawful.com
SUBJECT: AwfulVision™ Submission

Apparently they got a different version of X-Men south of the border. I guess this was a directors cut or something.
and lucky us, a part 2:

Apparently this video is so amazing that star of Steven Speilberg's ET, ET, sent me the link to it. He then demanded I credit him, so to make sure I did, I'm going to copy and paste his name 20 times. ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET.

TO: occupyjapan@somethingawful.com
SUBJECT: AwfulVision™ Submission

If this video gets accepted to AwfulVision and you just MUST credit/blame me, call me ET.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

About This Column

As you may have noticed, the most popular viral videos at any given time are amazingly banal, annoying, and cliched pieces of waste. It almost seems as if the internet naturally gravitates towards the worst possible Youtube and Google video selections. So it stands to reason that if the terrible videos become popular, then the unpopular videos must be awesome! We here at Something Awful present to you AwfulVision™, our own patented service dedicated to showcasing a wide selection of unpopular videos that apparently must be good! Welcome to Web 3.9. Welcome to AwfulVision™!

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