Orange Label recently introduced a sexually transmitted strain of viral marketing. The European Web design company included on the toolbar of its icons screen. Visitors who simply wanted to purchase a cute pixellated skier might have found themselves lured to this spectacularly NFSW site, on which lurid descriptions of student-instruction interactions ("they're going to experiment with taking a pulse, using his meat thermometer!") are graphically enacted. Orange Label's sample screen also contains a Divine Mother icon, a juxtaposition that might strike the Catholic church as even more blasphemous than a crucified frog. Scores of goof-spotters at the "bad code"-compiling site The Daily WTF reported the "mistake." Orange Label responded by adding The Daily WTF to its toolbar -- without removing MyFirstSexTeacher. This stunt undoubtedly boosted Orange Label's traffic, but it probably also changed its customer demographics, as the description "Web designer willingly associated with pornography" probably repels some reputable businesses while attracting a certain clientele.

– Andrew "Garbage Day" Miller

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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