You'd figure a site with a URL like would have to provide music lyrics, and it does -- for 20 songs. (For example, they included "White and Nerdy" because "it is sung too fast and many times it's difficult to understand the very funny lyrics.") If you consult their "lyric finder," you get a list of other lyrics sites -- just a text list, not clickable links -- prefaced by the quote "there are already so many great websites doing this very thing and who are we to reinvent the wheel." So why would anyone visit this site, other than its status as a prestigious holder of the Web Wiz and Golden Ducky awards? Because of its insights into the lyric-writing process and its provocative critical analysis!
And from the Top 30 Artist Lyrics section (which, of course, contains no lyrics, only the site's uniquely written bios):
The Staind lyrics contain messages of pain, desperation, woundedness and rebelliousness, but also contain a message of love, hope and peace. As a band whom has gain a good deal of popularity within the past 5 years, Staind continues to write lyrics that run the gamut of human emotions within a framework of alternative rock music.
One of the biggest appeals to Fergie is seeing the juxtaposition of a beautiful white girl who can walk, talk, sing, dance and move with the ghetto funk few can pull off. Fergie not only pulls it off, but pulls it right over the top as well.
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Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
Landmarks and statues around the world: old, boring and could use an update.
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Awful Links of the Day spotlights the worst and weirdest websites on the internet. And we're not talking "weird" in a good way either.
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