Jason Hun's PERSONAL HOMEPAGE :), submitted by Mr. Mann. Jason Hun is a very muscular and flexible Asian man who likes to show off all of the attractive women he has had sit on him while doing the splits. He also likes to talk endlessly, and I do mean endlessly, about fitness, training, chi, Tantric conditioning, and martial arts. Mr. Hun does this in a very circular way, rambling for paragraph after pargraph, interjecting "LOL" and ":)" whenever he feels it best suits the style and grace of cross training and spiritual growth.

Since this is my PERSONAL HOMEPAGE, you'll also find my personal info, photo albums, interests, passions, and an assorted medley of fun stuff in addition to the "results-only" tips on Bodybuilding, Fatloss, Gymnastics, Martial Arts, Motivation/Zen/Positive Mental Focus, & Tantra ;) (Exercising my creative license on my homepage is another creative form of self-expression for me :)

This site is horrible. It's overflowing with animated GIFs, it has a jumbled layout and annoying content that makes me want to punch Jason Hun in his perfectly formed six pack. Without further ado, I would like to welcome Jason Hun and his karate kicking GIF chums to take a gander at the competition.

TOUCHDOWN you sassy bitch!

– Zack "Geist Editor" Parsons (@sexyfacts4u)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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